
View the Project on GitHub elodina/dexter

Cluster API

Table of Contents


First, you should install required software:


  1. Docker - latest


  1. Vagrant - latest

Current Limitations

Azure instances supported: Standard_DS1, Standard_DS2, Standard_DS3, Standard_DS4, Standard_DS11, Standard_DS12, Standard_DS13, Standard_DS14

WARNING! All names(cluster, groups, etc) should consist of only lowercase letters and numbers, should be started with lowercase letter and be up to 16 characters long.



  1. clone this repo

  2. run ./run


  1. clone this repo

  2. cd dexter

  3. run vagrant up

  4. ssh vagrant@ -p 2222; password - vagrant

  5. (In vagrant) run cd /vagrant

  6. (In vagrant) run ./run

Cluster List API Requests


Supported requests:

GET - get cluster list, example:

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters

POST - add new cluster, example:

curl -X POST -d "name=${cluster_name}" -d "provider=aws" -d "type=mesos" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters

required parameters - name(variable), provider(aws/azure), type(mesos/dcos)

Cluster Entity API Requests


Supported requests:

GET - get cluster status, example:

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}

DELETE - delete cluster and its stuff, example:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}

Cluster Config API Requests


Supported requests:

GET - get clusters config, example:

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/config

DELETE - delete clusters config:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/config

PUT - change clusters config:

curl -X PUT -d "master_type=m3.large" -d "masters=3" -d region="us-west-2" -d "sshkey=reference" -d "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem | base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_'`" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/config

required parameters:

common: masters(number of masters hosts)

aws: master_type(AWS instance type for master, default m3.large), region(AWS region for cluster), sshkey(AWS ssh key name), sshkeydata(Private path of ssh key, encoded with BASE64)

azure: master_type(Azure instance type for master, default is Basic_A2), location(Azure location for cluster in format like "Central US"), ssh_user(user for ssh login), ssh_password(password for ssh user and sudo)

Cluster Slave group list API Requests


Supported requests:

GET - get clusters slave groups, example:

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups

POST - add new group, example:

curl -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "instance_type=r3.xlarge" -d "cpus=10" -d "ram=64" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups

required parameters - name(variable), role(variable), attributes(escaped json format), vars(escaped json format), instance_type(for AWS, for example - m3.large, for Azure, for example - Basic_A3), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST)

optional parameters - customhwconf(escaped json format, look at

example of customhwconf:


All of the new created disks will be mounted to /hdd/xvd{last letter of disk name, eg, x, y, whatever}

Cluster Slave group API Requests


Supported requests:

GET - get clusters slave group parameters, example:

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups/${group_name}

DELETE - delete group, example:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups/${group_name}

PUT - change group parameters, example:

curl -X PUT -d "name=group2" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "vars={\"var1\":\"varvalue1\"}" -d "instance_type=r3.xlarge" -d "cpus=10" -d "ram=64" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups/${group_name}

required parameters - name(variable), role(variable), attributes(escaped json format), vars(escaped json format), instance_type(for AWS, for example - m3.large, for Azure, for example - Basic_A3), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST)

optional parameters - customhwconf(escaped json format, look at

example of customhwconf:


All of the new created disks will be mounted to /hdd/xvd{last letter of disk name, eg, x, y, whatever}

Cluster Deployment API Requests


Supported requests:

GET - get clusters deployment parameters, example:

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment

DELETE - delete clusters deployment, example:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment

PUT - run deployment/destroy, example:


curl -X PUT -d "aws_access_key_id=${key_id}" -d "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" -d "command=deploy" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment


curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment -X PUT -d "command=deploy" -d "credentials=`cat credentials | base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_'`"

required parameters:

common: parallelism(number of deploy threads, higher number increase deployment speed, but may cause instability, default is 5), command(command to run, deploy/destroy)

aws: aws_access_key_id(self descriptive), aws_secret_access_key(self descriptive)

azure: credentials(credentials file, can be aquired here: )

Common usage scenario for Mesos on AWS

Create cluster

curl -X POST -d "name=${cluster_name}" -d "provider=aws" -d "type=mesos" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters

Update config

curl -X PUT -d "master_type=m3.large" -d "masters=3" -d region="us-west-2" -d "sshkey=reference" -d "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem | base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_'`" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/config

Create group of slaves

curl -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"foo\":\" bar\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "cpus=10" -d "ram=64" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups

Deploy cluster

curl -X PUT -d aws_access_key_id=${key_id} -d "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" -d "command=deploy" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment

Change slaves group size:

curl -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"purpose\":\"log_storing\"}" -d "vars={\"x_factor\":\"42\"}" -d "cpus=20" -d "ram=128" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups

Apply changes

curl -X PUT -d aws_access_key_id=${key_id} -d "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" -d "command=deploy" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment

Destroy clusters

curl -X PUT -d aws_access_key_id=${key_id} -d "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" -d "command=destroy" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment

Delete clusters config, etc:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}

Common usage scenario for Mesos on Azure

Create cluster

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters -X POST -d "name=${cluster_name}" -d "provider=azure" -d "type=mesos"

Update config

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/config -X PUT -d "location=Central US" -d "masters=3" -d "ssh_password=${ssh_password}" -d "ssh_user=${ssh_user}" -d "master_type=Basic_A2"

Create group of slaves

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"purpose\":\"analytics\"}" -d "vars={\"y_factor\":\"43\"}" -d "cpus=12" -d "ram=16" -d "disk_size=50" -d "instance_type=Standard_D11"

Deploy cluster

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment -X PUT -d "command=deploy" -d "credentials=`cat credentials | base64 | tr '+/' '-_'`"

Destroy cluster

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment -X PUT -d "command=destroy" -d "credentials=`cat credentials | base64 | tr '+/' '-_'`"

Delete cluster configs, etc

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}

Common usage scenario for DCOS on AWS

Create cluster

curl -X POST -d "name=${cluster_name}" -d "provider=aws" -d "type=dcos" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters

Update config

curl -X PUT -d "master_type=m3.large" -d "masters=3" -d region="us-east-1" -d "sshkey=reference" -d "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem | base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_'`" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/config

Create group of slaves

curl -X POST -d "instance_type=r3.xlarge" -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=myslaves" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"myslaves\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "cpus=12" -d "ram=60" -d "disk_size=200" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups

Deploy cluster

curl -X PUT -d "aws_access_key_id=${key_id}" -d "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" -d "command=deploy" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment

Destroy cluster

curl -X PUT -d "aws_access_key_id=${key_id}" -d "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" -d "command=destroy" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment

Delete cluster configs, etc

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}

Common usage scenario for DCOS on Azure

Create cluster

curl -X POST -d "name=${cluster_name}" -d "provider=azure" -d "type=dcos" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters

Update config

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/config -X PUT -d "location=Central US" -d "masters=3" -d "ssh_password=${ssh_password}" -d "ssh_user=${ssh_user}" -d "master_type=Basic_A2"

Create group of slaves

curl -X POST -d "instance_type=Basic_A2"  -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=myslaves" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"myslaves\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "cpus=12" -d "ram=60" -d "disk_size=200" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/groups

Deploy cluster

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment -X PUT -d "command=deploy" -d "credentials=`cat credentials | base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_'`"

Destroy cluster

curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment -X PUT -d "command=destroy" -d "credentials=`cat credentials | base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_'`"

Delete cluster configs, etc

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}

Mesos Cluster VPN Access

OpenVPN for MacOS Setup:

  1. Install Tunnelblick
  2. go to curl -X http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment and save _accessip parameter
  3. ssh to _accessip, and create there some users and passwd them, using commands adduser/passwd respectivly, eg:

adduser vpnuser1

passwd vpnuser1

  1. get OpenVPN config:
echo -e \`curl -qs http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment/vpn | tr -d '"'\`
  1. Save config as ${cluster_name}.ovpn file
  2. Import this config into Tunnelblick by double clicking on file
  3. Connect to VPN using credentials from step 3)
  4. Following services are available







DCOS Cluster VPN Access

OpenVPN for MacOS Setup:

  1. Install Tunnelblick
  2. go to curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment and save _accessip parameter
  3. ssh to _accessip, and create there some users and passwd them, using commands adduser/passwd respectivly, eg:

adduser vpnuser1

passwd vpnuser1

  1. get OpenVPN config:
echo -e \`curl -qs http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/clusters/${cluster_name}/deployment/vpn | tr -d '"'\`
  1. Save config as ${cluster_name}.ovpn file
  2. Import this config into Tunnelblick by double clicking on file
  3. Connect to VPN using credentials from step 3)
  4. Following services are available


